SSOT 2022 Graduation (TIME CHANGE)

Saturday, 08.06.2022 @ 4:00 PM EDT

Meeting ID: 856 7193 6789
Passcode: 11432

Upcoming Events

  • Juniors/Seniors Retreat: September 27-29, 2024 

2024 Summer School of Truth


(updated 08.23.2024)

2024 Juniors/Seniors Retreat

    • YP Activities Waiver Form: click here
    • Guidelines: click here
    • Teachers’ Training booklet: click here
    • HS Outlines: click here
    • MS Outlines: click here
We would like to announce to you that this year’s Northeast High School Juniors/Seniors Retreat will be held on the weekend of September 27-September 29th at Kingston Penuel Christian Center (Camp Penuel).
Since 1999 we have been having a special gathering for our high school juniors and seniors with the burden to further equip them as they transition out of high school and into the college years. We believe that this fellowship (including many practical matters) can be a great benefit to these high school students. We also encourage the attendance of any of the college-aged saints who can strengthen and support the time with their recent personal experiences. This weekend is a unique opportunity for our young people to blend with the college-aged and community saints in such an environment.
DATES: September 27-September 29th, 2024
REGISTRATION: click here.
DEADLINE: The deadline for registration is September 15th, 2024
  • Adults: $160
    College Students: $135
    HS Juniors & Seniors: $90
SCHEDULE: The first meeting of the retreat will be Friday, September 27th, beginning at 8:00pm. It will end with lunch on Lord’s Day, September 29th.

Teachers' Training Media

Audio recordings and the booklet from the Teachers’ Training can be found here under 2024 Teachers’ Training.

Week 2 Small Groups

Brothers' Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 531 093 9942
Passcode: 11432

Sisters' Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 784 461 9583
Passcode: 11432

Lesson Book, Level 2: The Triune God – The Triune God and the Person and Work of Christ
Session 1: 9:30am – 10:30am
Break: 10:30am – 10:45am
Session 2: 10:45am – 11:45am
Lunch Break: 11:45am – 1:00pm
Session 3/Parents Fellowship: 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Please click here.

Bible Reading Apps